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A love letter to my sewing machine
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Calaméo - Премьер новости за неделю №28
A love letter to my sewing machine - aikimaster.ru
Укладка волос в Раменском — парикмахера, отзывы на Профи

Instead, I have my own way of doing resolutions. Instead of hiding away or putting things in the back-burner, I went for whatever I wanted straight away, did things I knew were out of my comfort zone and started doing before I started thinking. I care deeply for things, if not, perhaps too deeply, and I learnt that sometimes you need to let it all go and give it to the hands of someone else. So, I started to go for more things and whilst people I knew complained that their had been shit, I looked back with only happiness and positivity. Instead of treading on your tip-toes or sprinting your way to the finish line, try and take everything in, day by day and if you want to do something, DO IT. So, although I conquered my plan, I have set myself another; To do things slowly.

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